德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人® magazine asked: “How do you use creativity/innovation in your real estate business?” 成员 wrote in to describe how they put their own spin on the real estate business.

每个人都不害怕挑战通常的做事方式. 他们的冒险得到了回报,客户更快乐,事业更成功. As you read their stories, ask yourself: “Where could I innovate in my own business?”


在桥城, 布兰迪·莱瑟伍德被称为独角兽, 不是因为她很独特——尽管她确实如此——而是因为B&L Realty Group Team Leader wears an inflatable unicorn costume to closings.

“一开始,这对一位客户来说是个惊喜, 然后其他人开始要求我戴上它, 它就成了我的品牌,她说。. “每个人都认为这很有趣,让闭幕那天变得很有趣. Title companies love when I wear the suits; it breaks up the monotony of their days.”

Some agents consider her unprofessional for being different, Leatherwood says. “但它让我在事业上取得了成功,所以我不会改变任何事情. 做让你快乐的事,做你自己! 有足够多的人会爱你,即使别人不爱你.”


凯尔·戴维斯在他的营销中强调了他在婚礼行业的经验. 克劳福德公司在卡罗尔顿的代理人, 2021十大正规彩票app经纪人®, 自称是新婚夫妇的代理人, 他还参加新娘博览会.

“This approach has allowed me to stand out in an industry full of seasoned veterans,” he says. “Any time I introduce myself to a wedding-related business, the feedback has been great.” The people he meets don’t assume he could use his previous job experience until they hear about his branding and business model.

而戴维斯专门为新婚夫妇服务, he makes sure to tell everyone he welcomes all potential clients who want to buy and sell homes.

“不要害怕与众不同,”戴维斯2021十大正规彩票app道. “When folks are getting married, the odds are good that someone is either buying or selling a home. 我想成为他们第一个想到的人.”


Why risk missing important dates in the real estate transaction when the computer can track them for you? 在过去的两年里, Brad Crumpecker developed an Excel workbook that tracks the dates and performance deadlines of the six main TREC contracts and related addenda.

“我已经建立了模拟合同语言的算法,Keller Williams Dallas Midtown的Robinson Clay团队负责人说. “它为所有关键日期创建了一个时间表.”

Crumpecker generates reports he sends to clients after key deadlines or important changes.

“It keeps us on track to be sure nothing is slipping through the cracks,” Crumpecker adds. “如果对方的特工遗漏了什么,我们马上就会知道. Our clients appreciate seeing the contract progress and how things can change with each milestone. 我已经向其他代理商和经纪人演示过了. 没人见过这样的事.”

低库存? 没有问题

那时利率很低,库存更低, Cindy de la Garza came up with a successful strategy for her buyer clients by focusing on properties that had been on the market for at least two weeks. 她看得出来,这些房产很多都定价过高.

“然后我就能为我的客户谈出一个公平的销售价格, who did not get caught up in a multiple-offer situation and therefore did not overpay for the property,达拉斯DLG2021十大正规彩票app顾问公司的经纪人/所有者说. “我的客户对我的创意方法感到非常兴奋.”

De la Garza says it was challenging to negotiate with sellers who weren’t ready to drop their prices.

在反复协商之后, it is always nice to have a meeting of the minds and eventually get the property under contract for your client, 最重要的是, 价格公道,她说。. “总是通过跳出固有思维来适应当前的市场.”


When Bill and Gay Penak founded Penak Group Realty in Kerrville roughly two years ago, 他们答应出席每次房产展示会. “The clients love the idea and feel more secure at having their property listed for sale,比尔·佩纳克说.

They got plenty of pushback from other agents who wanted to see properties on their terms, 以及他们自己的代理人, 谁会认为没有足够的时间来做这样的承诺呢. Penak understands these concerns, but his firm is rarely unable to accommodate a request. “It may not work for everyone, but it certainly has worked for us,” he says.

Penak says being there in person lets him highlight home features and quickly answer questions. 他还发现这是一个与当地代理商建立联系的机会. “我们的销售业绩不言自明, and the number of referrals we receive from our clients speaks volumes about our different way of doing business,他补充道.


Georgette Bisteni Adam likes to bring her own flair to the process of buying and selling real estate. While she often applies what she learned from earning her master’s degree in business and marketing, 她还依靠自己的创造力为客户设计闭幕礼物.

The San Antonio-based agent with Central Metro Realty once gave her buyer clients a stone with an image of their new home engraved on it. 她画了这幅画,然后把它寄给雕刻家. “他们很喜欢,”比斯特尼·亚当说. “这是他们将永远保存的东西.雕刻与客户的农场风格装饰相匹配. 她说,这是一个耗时的项目,但值得付出努力.

“我们都有天赋. We just need to use them to better serve our clients and customers,她说。. “It makes our lives more meaningful and joyful to combine all of our gifts from the real estate professional and the artist we all have inside.”