这不仅仅是投资和利润最大化的问题. 这与交易和相关人员的情绪有关. 超越客户的期望是件很棒的事.

The Market Center at Harvest Green was never going to be simply a shopping center. Imran Bhaidani saw its potential to be a hub for shopping, jobs, and community in Fort Bend County.

“We decided it was good land for retail and mixed-use development,” Bhaidani says. “The tract is also in a targeted employment area, so we told the investors we could create more jobs. It’s not just profitable in terms of development but also its economic impact.”

这个新的零售空间将拥有现代化的设施, 比如手机和电动汽车充电站, and fit in with the nearby planned community’s agriculture-meets-neighborhood design.

He worked with the involved parties and stakeholders to create a project everyone could be excited about. He was even able to negotiate an agreement to keep moving forward before utilities reached the site.

拜达尼的团队领导, 粉色皮拉尼, 称这笔交易不仅仅是出售, 但是一个创新的, 买方之间有条理的合作, 开发人员, 以及团队的每一步.

“Imran truly considered the interests of the community and acted in an advisory capacity to build a development that would not only be financially viable but would also serve the needs of residents, 社区成员, 和顾客,她说。.

由于他的努力,巴达尼赢得了2022年威廉C. 詹宁斯年度商业交易奖. 他说,听到这个消息,他不知所措. “我很惊讶自己获得了这个奖项. 我知道赢得认可需要付出很多.”



7.4-acre tract on Harlem Road sits at the entrance to the Harvest Green Phase 2 community, 加上额外的1,400套单户住宅和4套多户住宅. The Market Center would attract residents from nearby developments Pecan Grove and Waterside Estates. 超过1.5万人居住在核电站周围一英里的范围内.

市场中心的商店和餐馆也将吸引一些游客,街对面的詹姆斯·鲍伊中学有224名学生,威廉大学489名学生. 两英里外的特拉维斯高中.

The tract was poised to generate a lot of foot traffic and repeat customers, as well as occasional visitors headed to a new H-E-B supermarket and the Messina Hof Harvest Green Winery & 厨房从农场到餐桌的餐厅.

The tract’s status in a targeted employment area and opportunity zone meant it was eligible for significant tax credits and financial leverage.


Bhaidani是B的特工&P Team-Keller Williams西南在Sugar Land. B&P团队专注于细分市场的新建筑销售. 结果是, Bhaidani has an excellent working relationship with Harvest Green’s 开发人员, 约翰逊发展.

Bhaidani’s buyer client submitted a purchase offer with a mixed-use, “modern agrarian” concept. Property renderings included lawns, flowers, trees, and walkways throughout the property. The buyer worked with Bhaidani and project development consultants to understand tenant needs, 三重净租赁, 建筑特征, 启动场地规划并与建筑师一起设定需求, 据皮拉尼说.

“这不仅仅是投资和利润最大化的问题. 这与交易和相关人员的情绪有关,” Bhaidani says. “超越客户的期望是件很棒的事情. If you are introducing new ideas, you don’t just want to get your client’s consent. You want them to be enthusiastic about the changes and excited for the retail development.”

Bhaidani hired a real estate attorney to represent the buyer and negotiate the contract. 该合同于2021年第三季度执行.

Afterward, consultants got to work on completing technical and financial due diligence. 买家的团队会见了市政府官员,并对计划进行了审查.

Bhaidani helped the buyer raise approximately $10 million through accredited investors once technical and financial due diligence were completed, 皮拉尼说. An offering memorandum along with the private placement memorandum were presented to the investors and required funds were raised within three weeks and a cash offer at closing.

公用事业是市场中心面临的最后一个挑战. The tract did not have utilities yet and plans were underway for the site to be annexed by a nearby MUD.

他表示:“在公用事业设施到位之前,你无法开工。. “我过去曾与约翰逊发展合作过. 我解释了把公用设施带到现场的时间表. 我和他们谈妥了交易结束后的开发协议. It worked because we had that comfort and trust of established relationships.”

该交易于2022年1月25日完成. An economic impact study later showed that more than 150 jobs would directly or indirectly result from The Market Center’s development.


市场中心将分两期开发. 当完成, 该网站将有大约40个,000 square feet of retail space in various configurations and more than 260 parking spaces, 包括电动汽车充电站.

The first phase will be a next-generation convenience store; phase two brings 16 retail spaces including two with drive-thru capacity. 该物业包括长椅, 有吸引力的种植园主, 手机充电站, 还有一个社区绿地.

截至2023年2月,市场中心仍处于初始阶段. “我们甚至还没有破土动工. 但我们最近开始做广告预售. 现在人们可以知道这个项目是什么了. 我们得到了非常积极的反馈,”拜达尼说.

最初的兴趣对他来说非常重要. “随着你将每一个零售项目推向市场, 你总是对别人的反应很敏感,他说. “它将如何影响我们的社区? 这是一个a级零售开发项目. There are a lot of kids, parents, and residents living right behind our property. 这个项目将如何运作? 一个商业项目将在他们的后院出现,他们兴奋吗?”

Bhaidani对这个项目的成功特别投入. “我住在同一个社区. 我们正在创造一个对所有人都有利的里程碑. 所有上学的孩子和他们的朋友都看到了发展. 甚至我的女儿也看到了这个标志,并询问了进展情况. 她对此很兴奋.”